

AmberLoops pattern - Data, Research and Analytics firm in East Africa.AmberLoops pattern - Data Collection Company in East Africa


We improve lives by discovering and advancing what works.

What We Do at Amber Loops

What We Do

Amber Loops specializes in data, research and analytics for social impact.

Our team combines technical excellence in quantitative and qualitative methods with a deep understanding of the local context. Our approach is structured, data intensive and is embedded in the local context. We use rigorous techniques to provide context-relevant evidence.

What Drives Us at Amber Loops

What Drives Us

Transforming Research: At Amber Loops, we combine established evaluation methods with the latest advances in econometrics and data technology.

This allows us to extract more detail and insights and deliver more impact. We are proficient with causal machine learning techniques and we have a large database of geospatial data we can deploy to enrich survey finding.

Our Strengths

Local Knowledge is one of Amber Loop's strength

Local Knowledge

To deliver useful insights, you need to understand the context. That’s why we only work in countries where we have an office.

Full-cycle support is one of Amber Loop's strength

Full-cycle support

We offer tested data collection systems, a large pool of enumerators, an expert research team and a thorough understanding of the countries where we work.

Focus on quality is one of Amber Loop's strength

Focus on quality

At Amber loops, we work to build quality control into every step of the research process.

Dignity First is one of Amber Loop's strength

Dignity First

The safety and dignity of participants comes first. We can advise our partners on how to adhere to local ethics and research permit requirements.

Our Values

Evidence First

We are led by the facts. We go where the data takes us. Robust, rigorous evidence informs our choices and decisions.


We foster a culture of teamwork, cross-functional collaboration, and partnership with external stakeholders for mutual success.


We have an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of quality, accuracy and precision in our work which enables us to consistently deliver exceptional outcomes


We continuously seek creative solutions, embrace cutting edge technologies and pioneer new approaches to achieve sustained success and relevance.


Projects evaluated


full-time researchers



Insights beyond numbers, Impact Beyond Measure

For three years, we have supported leaders to deliver results and achieve their missions. Our approach applies rigorous analysis in service to policymakers, non-profits, philanthropies, and international agencies.

And at every phase, we’ve iterated, evaluated, learned and adapted.

Partners and Clients